Friday, September 08, 2006

Dreamworld's New Coaster - The Secret's Out

After almost two weeks, Dreamworld management have finally spoken publicly about their plans for a new Vekoma coaster in 2007.

Park CEO Steven Gregg said the park would be going in a ‘whole new direction’ with the coaster, and also revealed the location of the coaster.

“I’m not meant to say much, but this coaster is going to be awesome,” said Gregg. “All I can say is it will be located in the previous Blue Lagoon site, and will blow you off your feet”.

When asked for a clue about the model of the Vekoma ride, Gregg commented: “I can’t reveal those details, but get ready for some serious sidewinding.”

AAL has discovered similar phrases were used in the marketing of Cedar Point’s new coaster, Maverick. When questioned about this, Gregg commented: “Yeah, I copied Cedar Point. There have been heaps of budget cuts lately, and we had to discharge my speech writer. I thought no one would notice if I stole a few phrases here and there, but I guess I was wrong.
Well, you’ve pretty much f*cked up our entire marketing campaign, so I may as well just reveal the coaster to you now. The coaster will be called ‘Nonlethal Weapon’, and will be a Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster (765m Extended with Helix). The ride will be somewhat similar to Movie Worlds suspended coaster – Lethal Weapon.”

Gregg was then asked how the coaster will differ from Movie World’s Lethal Weapon: “Well…umm…well ours is going to be blue dammit,” said Gregg.


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