Thursday, September 14, 2006

Enthusiast Discovers New Use of Internet

Coaster enthusiast Frederick Douglas, 17 (known as iNtAmIn_rOx on message boards), last night discovered that there is more to the internet than coaster websites.

In an AAL exclusive interview, Douglas said he’s discovered many other uses of the World Wide Web.

“It’s really amazing,” said Douglas. “The internet can be used for all sorts of things, not just coasters, as I previously understood.”

Douglas was hypothesising about Dreamworld’s next coaster, when a popup appeared on his PC. “I clicked the popup, and it took me to this site called Amazon. At first, I thought it had something to do with Busch Garden’s new coaster, Griffon; but then I realised the site had nothing to do with coasters.”

“I sat there, shocked, for a few minutes, marvelling at the fact that I’d found a non-coaster related website, and then had a look around. Turns out you can buy stuff, and they’ll deliver it to your doorstep; it’s really amazing.

Douglas then told AAL about his other online escapades: “Well, I don’t know if I should be telling you or not, but last night I found something even cooler than Amazon. It was this website that has pictures of naked ladies in sexually-suggestive poses. It’s called porn.”

Douglas has even shared his stupefying discovery with members of various coaster message boards. “That’s amazing,” said Douglas’ friend Marvin, with a strong lisp. “I never knew the internet could be used for things besides coasters. Well, I guess you learn something new everyday.”

More updates on this shocking discovery as they come.


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