Saturday, September 16, 2006

Enthusiast Watches Ride Construction Intently

Rowan Lewis, a coaster enthusiast from Perth, has been following closely the construction of Dreamworld’s ‘Dorothy's Rosy Teacup Ride’, in hopes that it will in fact turn out to be the parks long-awaited 2007 coaster.

The enthusiast, who is known as ‘coasters_r_my_life’ on forums, believes the Teacups ride is a joke, and that Dreamworld will eventually reveal that they’re actually building a new coaster.

“The theory is based on the fact that the supposed Teacups ride is incredibly lame,” said Lewis. “Why would they spend money on a sh*tty Teacups ride when they could be building a B&M flyer,” quizzed Lewis.

Regrettably, the optimistic enthusiast ignores the fact that the Teacups ride is due to be completed in within the next week: “I don’t care what they say; they’re building a new coaster, and I know it. I’m usually right about this sort of thing.”

Unfortunately, Lewis is infamous among the coaster community for his inaccurate predictions. “Rowan’s a dumbass,” said long-time friend and theme-park fan Rob. “Back in 2001 he said Dreamworld would be getting an Intamin Mega coaster. We all know how that turned out - they gave us that hunk of crap ‘Cyclone’. What a piece of crap.”


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