Canada-based waterslide manufacturer ProSlide, who are responsible f
or the popular ‘Tornado’ attraction, today announced plans to open a new ‘home use’ division, which will sell and market a new ‘Tornado Nano’ ride. ProSlide representative Christina Appleby also said the company had plans to ‘massively expand’ their Australian operations.
“We feel Australia doesn’t have enough Tornados,” commented Appleby. “When you think about it, there’s really just Wet N Wild, Whitewater World and Jamberoo who either have this attraction, or will soon have the attraction. Now, we know there’s no chance of the public ever getting bored of this great ride, so we’re launching our new ‘home use’ division, which will focus on selling a scaled-down version of the ride for private or home use.
“The Tornado Nano will have a RRP of $2300 and will make a great addition to any backyard,” added Appleby.
The idea of the Tornado Nano came about when ProSlide CEO Richard Hunter realised Australian theme-parks loved the Tornado. “In a country with such a small population like Australia, you’d expect one Tornado would be enough. But the Australian theme-parks can’t seem to get enough of the Tornado - in one instance, we have two Tornados within 5 kilometres of each other! We feel that Australia would benefit greatly from having many more Tornados, and that’s where the idea stemmed from.”
Theme-park enthusiasts from around Australia seem overjoyed at the idea of owning their very own Tornado. “Australia doesn’t have enough Tornados, in my opinion,” said theme-park fan Henry Fetherton. “And now that ProSlide are selling them for backyard use, I won’t have to travel 7 minutes down the road to Wet N Wild to ride one. How goods that?”
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