Australian Theme Park News to
Sep 24
The members of your site is swearing and dis'ing my website like there's no tomorrow.
There has been NO admin step-in to try to calm down members and warn members when they've gone too far.
I would like those comments deleted, or, someone laying down the law and say that this isn't responsible.
I've already talked to BlogSpot, and they've said if you don't do this, that they'll close down your site. This is why I'm emailing you now, because I know your website is good, but I cannot stand for these comments any longer.
The members of your site is swearing and dis'ing my website like there's no tomorrow.
There has been NO admin step-in to try to calm down members and warn members when they've gone too far.
I would like those comments deleted, or, someone laying down the law and say that this isn't responsible.
I've already talked to BlogSpot, and they've said if you don't do this, that they'll close down your site. This is why I'm emailing you now, because I know your website is good, but I cannot stand for these comments any longer.
Ashley you just made yourself look even worse you pussy, lmao. I love how they posted your letter up, that is so priceless.
By the way who was the one that said they wanted to rip someones guts out with a knife?
Hey Ashley, you're a cocksucker!
"Oh no! Someone on the Internet swore at me, Mummy! They totally offended my virgin eyes. I'm going to go complain to Blogspot, sit in a corner and go slashyslashy on my wrists while masturbating over my sexy website!"
See how little respect people hold for you. Why don't you just fuck off?
Yeah whatever Dan.
It's mostly that I don't want people making fake user accounts on my behalf.
I bet you're still too chicken to post your IP. You little fucking chicken.
'Yeah whatever'... oooooh. Nice comeback.
Why would I post my IP when that would mean ANYONE could use it for malicious purposes? You numb fuck!...
You wouldn't because you're too chicken.
Anyone posting their IP on the Net is an idiot. Not saying you'd do anything with it (you're too much of a fucking pansy) but someone else very well might.
As that guy said awhile back, maybe you need to sign up to the Defence Force. That'd straighten you out.
As it is, at the moment, boy, you're a joke!
Recognise that none of us respect you.
^the word 'net' doesn't require a capital n.
Lol great payout "your too chicken" baha
Ashley, shouldn't you be off doing ballet with the rest of hte girls?
Omfg ashley ur website is horrible "Surfrider will be an Australian's first half pipe roller coaster and will be Wet'n'Wild's first non-water based ride. This is also the first non-water based ride at any Gold Coast water park"
australians? its australias. retard
woops One spelling mistake. Big deal.
I cannot believe you are petty enough to point that out.
Even Australia's best theme park news site (R-C) has a few mistakes from time-to-time.
Haha, bet you're not invited to the Motocoaster media launch.
P.S. Thanks for visiting the site!
OMFG I can't believe I missed this latest hatefest on this absolute wanker. Seeing as everyone on here are chickens, would you care to lead the way and post your IP address? Didn't think so, fucking pussy.
Off to the Motocoaster launch are you? Well I spose if you called Dreamworld every bloody day then your bound to finally be invited. They're thinking, hopefully now this prepubescent turd won't pester us anymore.
You can barely even write English mate. Your clearly one of those annoying nerds who isn't even smart anyway and is going to fail miserably in life.
Have your Motocoaster media launch, I like many others will be out getting pissed/ enjoying their life.
No, I was emailed out of the blue for it.
I didn't even ask about it.
What else did I type wrong?
Yes but RC actually offers plenty of stuff. Not like your site which just regurgitates content from press releases or publicly available/known in general. Consequently, your lack of English skills just compounds the shit nature of your site. You'd be better off actually spending time on worthier pursuits like swiping the clippers across your head, get yourself into a gym & get yourself a life.
"You NEED A FUCKING LIFE I HATE YOUR GUTS I WANNA GET A KNIFE AND JUST CUT YOUR FINGERS OFF ONE BY ONE," as said by Ash on this very blog. Yet he wants everyone elses comments to be banned.
What a fucktard.
Yep, he's one of the biggest tools ever witnessed... even makes Daniel Harmer look less freakish.
Leave the fucking community already, Ash. You're not wanted & no one will ever take you seriously.
Oh and your user title on RC shows how much of an arrogant self-deluded prick you are: 'Ash Rocks'. LOL!
Um... what are you on about Goliath, I can see the funny side of taking the mickey out of the sites, but resorting to the low grade of Personal Attacks that is starting to come out on this site is just sad and pathetic.
Now weather or not this is ACTUALLY the real "Goliath" (I don't believe it is, but I have a fair idea who it is) Why don't you build up the courage and the balls to at least use your real identity.
You are truly sad and pathetic if all you have the time to do with your life is make other people feel bad. Now, Articles such as the "Dreamworld Exit Levy" stories, they are good stories to put on the site. However stories like revealing the e-mail that Ashley from Australian Theme Park News e-mailed you, shouldn't be revealed, and should be confidential.
So just stay clear of personal attacks, and lets TRY to keep this damn site CLEAN.
Not trying to impersonate anyone, I go by Goliath on a Muay Thai forum so just used it here as well.
I'm not the only one who considers Ash a weak runt and a total piece of shit when it comes to running ATPN (like webmaster, like site!! Both are incredibly lame).
Daniel, there are issues surrounding Ash's continued presence in this community. When you have someone who is undermining attempts by enthusiasts to gain not just courtesy by the parks but also respect, that person has to be told he is not welcome.
I don't feel like repeating myself so won't go into those things again. Go through the older comments people have been making.
What's more, Ash has continually provided people with nothing but recycling information found so easily on other sites. Not just that but it's stuff a lot of people know anyway.
He then makes himself look even more pathetic by posting a letter to complaint and whining to Blogspot.
That stuff he said about wanting to attack someone with a knife also borders on being sociopathic. That unsettles me.
Someone so unstable, aggressive, unoriginal and generally a dickwad holds no place doing what he's trying to do nor even in the community as someone posting on a forum.
If he wants to go into police work, he should focus on that though I can see a lot of criminals laughing in his face. But that's his career, he shouldn't be pissing about like he is at the moment.
Fuck off Ash. You too, Daniel, if you're going to be behind this dickhead.
I never said that, I just said the personal attacks should stop before it gets even more out of hand. I am NOT taking sides here, I am taking a position in between both parties, so don't think I'm taking your side, or Ash's side.
Now I will agree, that the "Knife" incident was just uncalled for, and shouldn't have been said. Also, some of the things others have said were also uncalled for, such as calling someone a "cocksucker" etc.
We should all just agree to bloody disagree from now on, and just move on and get over it!
That knife thing I said was a result of months of anger built up from comments I have had from Dan and the other AAL members who's only comments were about how I should shave my head, join the army, cut myself, wank over my website and other things that I do not like, even though I'll have to put up with similar things if I do reach my life's goal.
Now, I can not see how I have lost the respect from the parks. I did not bring up the topic about this new coaster, and yet I was invited to the media launch. I am also invited to another media opening, which I did not ask about. Now does that show something? I guess not...
I would like to formally say sorry about that moment of anger and me saying I'd like to cut off Dan's fingers. BUT, that's the only thing I will be sorry for.
This is the last time I will be posting on this website, and as a result, I hope the site can once again start making tasteless jokes, and not intrude on peoples' privacy.
Goodbye, I'll let you guys have the last words.
PS: Thanks to Daniel for not going into the personal attacts. He's expressing his true thoughts and that's what freedom of speech is about. Dan, if you're in the Air Force, I'm sure you go to places that don't have that. Just shows, maybe we should all be fighting people like Dan. I guess we've got the wrong people on our side.
I'm not wanting anyone to say sorry, but I wish you could all just put a stop to bagging my website and myself. But then again, I'm not sure you can.
As someone said earlier, they probably invited you to get you to shut up. Don't fucking lie you jerk, you HAVE been annoying them no end. My friends would know and don't lie. Keep digging that hole for yourself. DW for instance doesn't respect you.
You're just wasting your time with your website though. No one will bother visiting it. It's unneeded.
Wow that was a peaceful approach.
BTW... that wasn't me, it must be another daniel
or was it?
Ash, Ash, Ash.
No offence but you've annoyed a whole bunch of people, I can only begin to imagine what the parks have had to put up with.
Just admit you don't have the people skills - nor do you have the journalism skills. Your spelling is patchy, grammar inconsistent & sentences don't always make sense. And let's not forget that lame interview when you talked to Jamberoo and how full of mmm's and umm's there were.
I say this because I don't want to see you wasting your time & there are more than enough sites to cover the low number of parks in Australia.
-- R 'Just Giving The Truth' A
And no. I'm not that R_alvey. First name is Ryan.
Trying to correct Richard's typo on R-C is just one of the many reasons everyone hates you.
Have you seen how lately hes been trying to act so mature and responsible? Its all an act Ash considering your just some 15 yr old kid.
is that u skeetafly?
Nope, not me. On another funnier note:
There's an opening for a Reporter at ATPN. The job would not require you to write any stories up. All you would have to do is to give the information to the writers via email or phone.
We are asking people who works in the industry or who have contact(s) to apply for this job. You must know a lot about the future happenings in the Australian parks.
You would get:
- Email account.
- Tickets to media events.
- Free tickets to ATPN events.
Lol, shall I apply?
Haha! How could you refuse?!
Let's analyze what that notice offers:
E-mail account: Now, while many coaster fanboys would probably sell their mother to have a THEME PARK REVIEW email address, who would care about having one belonging to a third-rate site that rehashes everybody else's content and is generally half-arsed.
Ticket to Media Events: It's painfully obvious that Dreamworld has reverted its media policy with regards to websites being considered as press. Consequently, someone with enough know-how to do even just a Wordpress site or use a similar blog system could conceivably get this privilege & not be under the direction of a 15-year-old brat.
Free Tickets to ATPN Events: Ooh now this is the ultimate bonus. Didn't he just save the best for last? I can just see it now: ERT on the Rosey Tea Cup Ride. A photo walkback on the Corkscrew (oh wait, anyone can do that). A personal Meet'n'Greet with the Dreamworld clown. Oh wait, you can do that already.
Fact is, ATPN has a dead forum, a moron for a webmaster with neither journalistic ability or common sense, rips off stories and engages in anti-competitive dirty tactics.
Friend of mine at Dreamworld who is a ride-op on the Motocoaster today informed me that an international forum member had been invited to attend the media launch so she could do a feature article for a coaster site she was going to be starting in her own country.
Simone, this girl turned up yesterday (Saturday 30th September), with her photographer friend and was told she was a day late. Reportedly, she said she had been told by Ash Thursday night that the media launch had actually been delayed 24 hours.
She had contacted Ash confirming the date because her ISP had been experiencing problems with the mail server & not been routing all messages successfully.
This is testament to:
* Ash's desperation for his coverage to be as 'exclusive' as possible
* Ash being a total asshole to a visitor to our country, who just wanted to start a little blog. The very notion of which he felt threatened by and wanted to undermine by denying her the opportunity to attend the event.
But then I guess Ash needs all the cheap hits he can get at the expense of being someone with any common courtesy.
Saturday 29th of September I mean.
Wow, didn't think Ash could get any lower.
Wow Ash. You're a complete asshole.
I know I'm not going to be supporting your site and quite frankly, I wish you'd just leave.
Yeah. Fuck off Ash, you sack of shit.
Christ... apparently, Ash phoned Dreamworld asking for exclusive web site media rights saying his site is all they needed. What a joke that statement is. Apparently PR couldn't help but burst into laughter.
This guy doesn't want to play fair.
I also heard from that Motocoaster ride op that Ash waved a fist at some little girl on Saturday who got in his way. Bit of a bastard aren't you Ash?
You piece of shit, the fact you're not answering means you know you're beaten. We have no respect for you nor your site... couldn't hate you more if we tried. Get lost and stop trying to hold a monopoly over coverage & doing all these asshole acts. You're a menace and such a weak runt that nothing I hear about you surprises me.
S A C K O F S H I T ... !!
Oh and just to clarify, that ride op only just found out about Ash threatening that girl through a supervisor giving everyone training yesterday.
So that's a really nasty pathetic thing to have done. We're coming to expect this sort of thing from Ash though, hey!?
Ash = white trash. He should move into a trailer park already.
'Australian Trailer Park News'... coming soon!
Wow. The shit just gets worse & worse.
Fellas, make sure you read all 4 of Goliath's posts previous to this one so you understand why everyone needs to tell Ash to leave the community. He's a shithead undermining all of us...
Yeah and Ash wonders why everyone hates him. What a wanker. Most people realise when they're not wanted so they fuck off, not this nerd.
In the meantime all we can do is continue to rag the hell out of his site and maybe then he will fuck off.
Hmm. I wish I knew how to make him see these entries for sure.
Um... for a start, The Motocoaster Launch was on FRIDAY, not SATURDAY, And I happened to be there, so if your gonna accuse someone of something like that, make sure you get your facts straight :)
Ummmm, read what he said again.
"Simone, this girl turned up yesterday (Saturday 30th September), with her photographer friend and was told she was a day late. Reportedly, she said she had been told by Ash Thursday night that the media launch had actually been delayed 24 hours."
Why don't you get your facts straight genius before you say Goliath should get his facts straight.
I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the fist waving fact.
Pfft. Don't make out that you were watching Ash for the entire time.
And we've seen he's quick to angry outbursts like his remarks to Dan about cutting off his fingers.
This ride op has no reason to lie because he's not even in the theme park enthusiast community... he has nothing to lose or gain by making stuff up.
Ash is a weak piece of shit but also sociopathic in my opinion!
I'm not making out anything, I'm just saying, I was at the event, and did not see Ashley make any rude gestures at a young girl at all.
Okay. I know what you're saying. :)
But yeah, it was definitely a shake of the fist. My friend wasn't the only one who witnessed it, a new trainee watched, eyebrows raised.
I'm sure in all the unfolding busyness of the media event you've just missed that.
"wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the fist waving fact."
Which is why you mentioned about the Motocoaster launch being on the Friday, hey?
Wow. Daniel is a damn liar just like Ash. No wonder he backs him up so fiercely and no point believing anything he says either!
who invites these kids to media events anyway?
i checked out the coverage that atpn put up. an article that is a complete ripoff of's, and some crappy photos that i had to go off looking for myself.
the parks will see this and it'll only end up hurting good sites like ozcoaster and RC, which means we'll have nowhere to get decent quality info.
why was daniel at the media thingy too? LOL what site does he even work for??? it's a total waste of dreamworld's resources when they're trying to facilitate TV crews, /newspaper reporters and legitimate websites to have a bunch of 15 year old kids wandering around bugging their PR staff.
if these stories about ash are true then my dislike for him has turned to hatred.
Yep. I'm the ride op mentioned and absolutely swear to them having happened, disappointingly. The way Ash behaved when he thought nobody would notice (hah!) had all us Dreamworld staff rolling our eyes and I know PR were extremely pissed off being that I regularly talk to them (been working at Dreamworld for ages).
This guy needs to be given the boot one way or another or he's just going to make all the parks hate the enthusiast community and come up with blanket policies of not dealing with any website...
And what he did to that girl was disgusting. She actually burst into tears and I had to comfort her so she'd calm down.
Way to go Ash, we completely utterly hate you and couldn't want to see the back of you more if we tried! .....
Why don't you just get lost?
though i dislike ash... i have to say, this girl sounds like a colossal retard.
firstly... she went to cover it for a site that doesn't yet exist?!? LOL i should go to these events too seeing as i will be opening my own site in 2015.
secondly, if she had the invite it would have clearly had the date on it. if she needed clarification and didn't have an internet connection, the invite would have had phone/fax details.
thirdly... she burst into tears?? i don't care what ash did. how immature do you have to be to start crying the moment something a bit bad happens? the chick sounds like a goddamn headcase.
having kids crying at media events... god if I were a park i know who i'd stop inviting to these things, and I'll give you a hint: it'll affect all of us.
i've never been to a media event but the thing i don't buy about your story is that on the invites i have seen they say clearly that you enter through the staff/security gate. she would have been told at the gate that she was a day late. the only person to comfort her would be the security guard in the booth.
the more i think about it, the more i think that either this story is bullshit (in which case let's concentrate on the many real things we have to bag ash about), or that this chick is a deadshit and deserves just as much crap as ash (or more, seeing as that turd actually managed to make her cry).
1/ 2015? Are you Marty McFly? :o
Dreamworld PR just thought that it would be good to benefit from the amount of potential overseas enthusiasts that could see that site when it did open. It sounds like it's about to launch very soon anyway.
2/ No invite had hit her Inbox at all. Because of problems with the ISP, she didn't know if it had been sent to her or not. Her only dealings with PR up to then had been email.
3/ She burst into tears from having real journalist ambitions because her late father was one - she sees this site as working towards that goal.
4/ Quite obviously seeing as she didn't have an invite, there was nothing saying she had to come through the security gate. She had also been in the park pointing out to her friend what she wanted photos of.
She didn't cry in front of PR because they didn't actually see her, being she was there on Saturday. I did and the way I see it, PR doesn't need to know she cried. If they do find out, I'll make sure they know why... no one would blame the girl when her journalism motivation is obviously very personal to her.
But I should have given more details than I did really -- apologies.
That's cool. I understand now why things happened like they did.
lol her journalist dad died so she's starting a coaster website to become a journalist herself?
that's like someone wanting to become a rockstar by starting a fansite about australian idol!
once again, this alleged chick sounds like a nutter. i'm guessing she doesn't exist.
okay, so she and her friend pay their way into the park to attend the media event (or use their annual passes or whatever). turns out they're a day late... how's that stop them from taking a few shots, queuing for the ride and doing exactly what they would have at the actual media event... OH NO I'VE GOT A BETTER IDEA. INSTEAD OF DOING WHAT I CAME HERE TO DO I'LL JUST HAVE A BIG OLD CRY. THAT'LL MAKE DAD PROUD!!!
i just checked my email for some old dealings i had with dreamworld pr (just emailing to ask general questions ahead of a visit to the park)... even they contain contact numbers to ring DW. i'm sure a 2 minute phonecall even to the front desk could determine the exact details of the media event. instead she relies on info from an annoying kid. once again, dad'll be proud.
i'm guessing this girl doesn't exist. but that ash is still a douche.
anyone want to be a reporter on MY coaster site? we'll be opening in 2015 (a few weeks before dreamnova as it turns out), but you'll get an email account and get to come with me to media events starting immediately and do nothing but ride the rides and get in the way of legitimate reporters so we can make sure that our parks vow never to invite another website again. oh, and you'll be invited to our very exclusive events, such as paying full price to visit dreamworld.
p.s. i'm guessing this girl doesn't exist.
They had passes.
It wasn't that they couldn't take any photos at all but she wanted to be at the actual opening and get all the launch-type photos.
No, the girl's doing freelance work apparently for her university paper or whatever (she's currently doing a journalism degree) but is using the site as further practice.
She asked Ash because she's seen his site and had no reason to think the prick would lie to her. At the time, she wasn't at home so didn't have her inbox on that computer anyway.
So what if she cried? That doesn't make someone a douche. Until you've walked in that person's shoes of doing something with personal significance, don't be so quick to judge. She just wants to make her Dad proud of her. You're coldhearted.
Wow. I hope you never get a job working here, you'd be the one carrying on like a douchebag...
i'm a bit late, but i'd just like to point out the ridiculousness of ash's claim that he "talked to BlogSpot, and they've said if you don't do this, that they'll close down your site."
what a joke. so he sent an email to blogger (there's no such company as blogspot, that's just the name of the URLs they use. the company, which is owned by google, is called blogger) and said something like "OMG U HAV 2 SHUT DOWN THIS BLOG THEY R DISSING MY SITE!!!"
and APPARENTLY they replied something like "thanks for the concern ash. we will get this blog shut down ASAP. sorry that you've had to go through this. we shut down a lot of blogs because of situations like this. there was one case where a blog actually spoke out against president bush, and the president actually complained about that and we shut the blog down".
ash is unintelligent if he thinks blogger would close a blog just for people talking shit about his site. really unintelligent.
p.s. i'm guessing this girl doesn't exist.
i never called the girl a douche. i probably called her retarded and other things, but not a douche.
motoc.op... you claim you just met her at the park when she was balling her eyes out (because she got no photos of a few complete nobodies cutting a ribbon fresh from spotlight), yet you know every intimate detail about what went down. good thing you knew she couldn't access her inbox (yet could email ash??) to find out DW's phone number.
so, either you made the most of her fragile state and kindly offered her a lift back to your place to get to know her better. or this whole thing is made up.
yeah i found the bit about blogger shutting down this site a bit funny too. like if blogger really did say they would take action, then why does he need to send a nasty email to AAL full of threats?
Wow. You need everything explained to you don't you? Well, it's pretty simple.
She showed up at the ride asking where she had to be and where PR was. I was the person she spoke to & she'd explained why she was there on Saturday. There was no taking advantage. She was worried Dreamworld PR would not give her further invites due to her not being there so wanted to explain why she was there late.
She could have emailed Ash from a different email address or spoken to him over MSN. I'm not sure which scenario happened but there's more than one possible option.
It's not like I'm the messenger... I'm the source. There's no reason to put me on cross-examination. I just thought I'd tell you all what Ash had done so you could deal with it and know he's undermining your efforts for continued acceptance by park PR to hold media status.
LOL... i hardly need everything explained to me. it's just that every time i bring up a fault in your story you have the perfect answer as to why my suspicions are wrong.
dude your story is a load of crap. you don't have an ounce of tangible evidence.
didn't you also say she was opening a coaster site back in her country, meaning she's not from here? if that's the case, won't she need to be back in that country to start the site, instead of worrying if DW will invite her to the opening of the next wiggles kids ride?
i bet you're not even an op at DW. if you are you'll be able to tell me the colour of the test bike out the front entrance of the motocoaster (that riders can test to see if they fit). while you're at it tell me the colour of the box containing the release button for this bike's restraint. anyone who's worked on this ride will clearly know the answer to both these questions.
oh... and also tell me the colour of the real bike that's in shop next to the ride exit door.
^Hahaha zing.
LOL, what the hell? Asking questions any visitor to Dreamworld could tell you... heck, anyone visiting photos of the ride.
And you people wonder why park employees stay away in droves from the local enthusiast community?
Don't put this guy on trial, he doesn't know Ash personally and was just trying to do you a favour.
We LAUGH at the way so many of you carry on. That's why Australian coaster enthusiasts don't have the cred of the TPR population & NEVER will.
Maybe you should get back to that site you won't have out until 2015... that way it might actually have a chance of coming out until then.
"That's why Australian coaster enthusiasts don't have the cred of the TPR population & NEVER wil"
Ahh yes, because the TPR population are a highly respected and revered bunch aren't they? LOL
^ Obviously that last post wasn't me.
You know, they are really. They're regularly invited to attend events, opinions are valued, they're a heck less narrow-minded and petty. The dickheads are weeded out and not left to undermine the interests of the community. If Robb & Elissa Alvey lived in Australia instead of Richard, you'd all enjoy a lot more privileges.
But no, you go on continuing to entertain the delusions of this 15-year-old asswipe and tolerating his presence. It just makes those of us actually working in the industry - and indeed, the PR people - laugh harder at you.
goliath... the dude's story is a load of crap. i'd like to see an answer to my questions from motoc.op. i made sure they were questions involving things there are no photos of yet on any sites. i also made sure i included the part about the release button seeing as no GP would notice it, yet someone that worked there would know the answer instantly.
instead... motoc.op disappears and goliath you come along to discredit my suggestion. i think the way the question has been laughed off says a lot about this whole conspiracy. we'll have to wait and see what motoc.op says though... if anything at all.
as ive said, i dislike ash a hell of alot. i just dont think people should be making up stupid stories to make him sound bad, especially when we've got plenty of ACTUAL things he's done to make him look plenty bad. if he is actually calling parks and making the enthusiast community look bad then that needs to be stopped for all our sake.
in america the whole enthusiast world is so much bigger than here. most parks invite members of just about all the big coaster clubs to ride launches, so of course rob and elissa will be invited to them. i dont know what sort of privilages youre talking about, but if you mean general public (all of us) getting invited to media events, i dont think that will ever happen.
TPR has to be one of the tackiest looking coaster sites out there. it boggles me how it has gotten so huge. im sure r&e are really nice people, but the site looks like crap, is hard to get around and half the time theyre either bagging the park or just showing muckaround pics which are fun to go through, but hardly serve the park any great PR service.
i dont particularly like the r-c forums, but the articles and info that is on that site is better than most other coaster sites ive ever been to. same with ozcoaster, their forums are too quiet to be interesting, but the photos are superb. LOL maybe if ian and richard posted photos of themselves eating vast quantities of theme park food and pointing out typos or bad translations on signs then the PR people would take them "more seriously".
what do you think rob and elissa would get us that were currently not getting now?
in case you can't tell i was joking about the 2015 coaster site thing. i was saying that if some girl gets invited on the bases that she WILL be opening a site then i might as well say im opening a site too and go to these events too seeing as seemingly everyone else can waste their time at these events (ben roach, tony teulan, daniel, ash and this chick evidently can, so why not me?).
is there anything we can do to get rid of ash though? i heard he was banned from rc for a while... but as long as he has his own crappy site and email address is there honestly anything we can do until the parks get fed up with him givin them the shits and ban all the sites from events again?
Just because he isn't signing doesn't mean he's disappeared though. He could be at work, he could be busy doing other things. He might just be pissed off at getting questioned. Who knows?
To go so far as say there's a conspiracy at work here is paranoid nonsense.
I believe this op's claim - and that he IS an op - because it's typical behaviour from a 15-year-old. It's just like school when a kid tells another the wrong homework question or that something has to only be 2000 words when it's meant to be 3000. You know Ash is unprofessional & here it is highlighted by the fact he is no doubt dragging his school behaviour into how he's conducting himself in the community.
I think being insistent on this guy answering your questions is just going to alienate him from wanting
to interact with the community & as an op he has the capacity to offer insight, hints on future attractions and what-have-you as much as he can within the terms of his employment agreement.
Anyway, best to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and as you say, work out a way we can wheedle Ash out before he wrecks everything.
It's also funny you name Ben Roach first in the list as if to supposedly establish you're not that person. Makes one wonder...
true... I would like an answer to those questions to establish with some certainty that this person is an op, because ive still not seen anything to make me believe much he's said but don't mistake me as being paranoid or pushy. i just don't want to see it swept under the rug or see an answer a week from now after he's had a chance to visit and get the answer.
if it can be established that he is who he says then i'll probably change my view on this story.
LOL and im really not ben roach... i can show you my birthmark to prove it.
Oh and how would YOU know the answer to these questions?
And you're not a ride op are you? So if you know the answers, anyone could.
LOL i know the answers because i've ridden motocoaster and took some photos along the way... there was nothing in there that anyone can't find out, but i tried to make it things that no one would notice, but someone who has worked on the ride would know immediately. also there's no photos on any sites of any of these things.
i could ask some behind the scenes questions next, but we'll see how we go with these ones first. i'm not trying to stump anyone. i'd just like to see some very simply evidence that he's an OP at DW so that this story has a leg to stand on.
NOT ben roach
"The members of your site is swearing and dis'ing my website like there's no tomorrow."
The members of your site IS swearing and dis'ing.
Shouldn't that say "The members of your site ARE swearing and dis'ing"
Ash needs to learn proper grammar.
Haha - I think the ride op is pissed of at the lot of you and doesn't feel he has to answer to any of you. i hope he is fucking shitting blood and when he pisses it's like he's pissing out rocks... boy, you treat everyone like crap hey. don't think Ash & I are thankful to you cos your behaviour is still fuckin' yuk, you suck fellas
Ok you fuckers, Ash is seriously pissed off and crazy upset at all your shit your pouring on to him. I mean what is up with you he keeps saying how he wants to cut you up... you are upsetting my friend and if you fuck with Ash then you fuck with me! and when you're fucking with me, you fuck with the motherfucking best, better believe it, fuckers. he wanted me to say that you should appreciate what he is out to do - do a true and proper site unlike r-c which craps on the dipthong and TPR which is just shithouse and ozcoaster which has a bare selection of photos all using long exposure as a gimmick to make up for the fact they're just shit.
Ash says he doesn't want to sign this anymore but wants me to pass on that your the pussies, bunch of dickrags and CUNTFLAPS. i mean, his site is bloody excellent, it offers great stories and the photos are snazzy and i think he's cool!!!!!
and he will reign supreme with his site. so you may as well just give him your support because the other sites are going to lose all popularity when people realise how mad he and atpn is.
so fucking shut up the lot of yez!
Ash says he wants to punch you in the throat, Jonah.
from atpn:
"The Sea World Eye this morning was copying the ride style of the Corkscrew, with one of its carriages nearly going inverted, and just inches away from another carriage."
damn!! thats award-winning journalism right there.
i echo the thoughts of chris here and suggest everyone joins atpn now while they still can. because when its popular you won't be able to!
LOL chris you are a retard.
"Ash says he wants to punch you in the throat, Jonah."
Fuck of you fuckin ranga.
his site is bloody excellent, it offers great stories and the photos are snazzy and i think he's cool!!!!!
The site is way below the standard of R-C. Rc always has articles of higher quality posted up first, Ash is always a day behind or so, and the article just mirrors rc, but with shittier spelling/grammar/journalisitic style.
The site looks ugly, just bland white, its hard to navigate, and the forums are dead, most of the topics are ones ash has made, but nobody wants to reply to.
He has bugger all photos, the ones on R-C are bigger, and show just about every ride at every park, there are way more there.
Maybe if he wanted people to like his site he should have:
-Not plagiarised in the first place
_Actually written articles of a decent standard.
-Not constantly plugged his site shamelessly.
-Not been an arrogant prat (for example having "Ash Rules" as his signature thing, and by saying R-C needed to be faster with articles even though his site was still in it's infancy) Those in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.
-Actually started off with a decent site, or at least iron out the kinks before whoring his site upon everyone.
The site is called "Australian theme park news", what is the point of a "news" site when it is always last to the punch?
omfg how mahy posts have been put in here? wow
See Ash, even if you complain to Blogger about what goes on here, people are still going to think your site sucks. It's called freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of opinion. Trying to shut down this blog wont improve your image. In fact it would probably make people dislike you more. I quite like this blog, it is funny, and having a place to air our dirty laundry and deal out some home truths to people that need to be brought back to earth is great.
"true and proper site unlike r-c which craps on the dipthong and TPR which is just shithouse and ozcoaster which has a bare selection of photos all using long exposure as a gimmick to make up for the fact they're just shit."
Yes, I myself am a big fan of photos taken with camera phones and not the slightest bit artistic.
Seems like Ash and this Chris kid are that close to pulling a columbine. They are friends because they are both severly fucked up.
i dont think its hard to tell that chris was dissing ash like you and me were.
i dont think any smart person would think otherwise.
ps. i dont think chris is real.
Lol, my mistake. I forgot that Ash probably doesn't have friends.
God! Jut shut the hell up all of you!
I want to cut all of you of at the testicals. ATPN cuts through the treacle that so many other sites wallow in and drown their end users in. FFS, why can't you see I'm awesome at what I do?
The blank space is for our rotating ad banner system which will show upcoming events like big park meets, ERT and perks available to members such as 2 hours early riding time which I'm sure I can organise when the site is popular. and that's a cycle cos we will get these things now but even more things when we get bigger (I am going to upgrade the forum software to the new version)
But hey, if you're all superior, you just sit on this blog all day while we enjoy such things as Scooby Doo backwards (Yep! That's right! I'm going to talk to MW about doing that for us too), extended park hours, personal chats with Stephen Gregg (who I have invited to join our forum) etc
You're all a bunch of fuckers that I can't wait to see eat their words
when you see how much the parks bow down and respect the great site ATPN is becoming.
woops, i meant to put my name in as 'ash the superior!' because that's what i am to other sites/most of you cretins.
guys... i dont care if u bag ash but u shouldnt just make up stuff... i mean i love bagging him as much as the next guy but i dont like people lieing about him
is that ash for real? can whoever runs this site verify that the IP matches his early posts? i'd like it to be real for the sake of humour, but knowing this site it could be anyone anonymously posting.
LOL good luck with scooby doo backwards. shame it's not physically possible.
stephen gregg joining the forums? lol it reminds me of how ben roach (oops i mean me... no i don't) used to go on about how he was best friends with the ceo.
i can't wait until all these big events.
you honestly are a dellusional retard with an obvious anger management issue.
interestingly though that motoc.op never got back to me with those answers, yet up until that point he was responding to this several times a day. lol if he did get fed up with us (or me) in the end then he chose a convenient time to do so.
though the other thing that strikes me as odd is that ash never once denied that any of it happened.
p.s. i just looked up the domain contact details for if you look his address up on google maps and zoom right in you can see ash naked in his swimming pool. its absolutely disgusting.
ben i think any one with at least 1 brain cell could know that that isnt ash...
also if u read up ^ .... ash said hes left the site for good
no. he just felt like he had a right to reply when you were giving him a bagging.
and he WILL get those privileges, Gregg joining the site etc because they will recognise he is a brilliant person for their promotions. and they will need nobody else.
don't pay out my friend!
oh and to that guy who said to swipe the clippers across his head, he said he might get a mohawk. he's thinking about getting some piercings and thinks that would work with the look.
chris you are not fooling anyone ok we all no u dnt no ash ur just bagging him like u and me...just shut up ok?
lol. this guy IS carrying on just like i'd imagine Ash's friends would.
who is me or "chris"?
because i dont like ash (or know him personly) but i dont think we should be making up stuff about me.. it just shows that i cannot believe anything you people say about him...if you are lieing about this motocaster op thing, how the hell can i believe u about this thing when he was phoneing the pR people??
^You aren't the only person with the name Chris, it's pretty obvious they weren't talking about you.
no im saying that this chris guy is made up... no friend of someone would say that about them.. as i said, anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would no that he is bagging ash and this "ash" is fake to.. i mean hes just baggin ash... so someone is making up storys and i dont even belieev that u no someone in PR now and he was bugging them... everything u have said is a lie
i wanna bag ash here but lets stop making up these weird ass names and stuff...the lies gotta stop..after all u were bagging him about lieing...WELL U ARE DOING THE SAME
Ash has done a runner because some people were dissing him.
Ash, would you like a tutu because your a pussy? Ohh wait, I hear you do ballet so you probably already have one.
rofl see isnt it good saying the TRUTH about him
rofl i reackon he dances to YMCA
Well, it sounds like he was getting a friend of his to fight his battles for him. He has actually asked me to do the same in the past
Nah. Moto's an op alright but just feels he shouldn't have to answer to anyone. He says if you don't accept what he has to say, fine, that's your choice. You HAVE offended him because he's probably older than you. And I know you can't see ages on this thing but that's why he reacted like he did.
Many ops DO know PR, by the way...
im not talking about this little girl thing, im talking about the thing were u said ash kept ringing them trying to get invited...
i believe u lied about the little girl thing (and and him) and you also lied about the whole thing with ash bugging the pr people. i dont believe a thing out of your mouth because every chance someone gets, some one is faking to be ash, or his friend..everyone is lieing... i dont believe a cent of it. im sorry but you guys have lost my trust...thats why i am now not going to believe any of the bad stuff about ash because you guys cannot back it up with some good info
But if he is making serious accusations about what others have done then why shouldn't he answer to people?
i agree!!! i mean bag ash about whatever just make sure its true!
lol that was an imp.
test bike is blue, shop bike is orange incl wheel wells and red and bit of white (eg behind Repsol text), there is no cover box but nice trick question.
time to ask this op some "real" questions
With all these anonymouses I'm starting to get confused whats going on.
^I'm David Hasselhoff.
can we stop being silly please...
how did i offend that motoc.op?
i was concerned that his story didn't match up because for a lowly ride op he had every single tiny detail. so i posted some incredibly basic questions that any op would be able to answer without blinking.
FACT: if you are gonna post stories about people on the web, however hated they are, you should be prepared to back them up. if this guy cant handle my "interrogation" then whats he doing posting offensive stories (true or untrue)? why did he bother posting these stories if hes gonna run away at the first sign of conflict? isnt that why he posted them to begin with?
"there is no cover box but nice trick question."
there most definitely is a box with a button that releases the restraints on the test bike. i'm looking at a photo of it right now.
ANYONE that works there would be instructed on how to release the restraint on the test bike. in fact to talk to this girl you would most likely have been the attendant at the front of the ride, unless she decided to queue for the ride before she started crying. as the attendant you'd be dealing with this test bike all day, and you'd be able to instantly tell me the colour of the box.
you should also know what the label on this box says, but we're talking dreamworld staff here. in my experience intelligence is optional.
i can't believe ive been posting here so much. haha for what is basically a pisspoor ripoff of ARN&R and an immature slagfest of aussie coaster sites, you've sure managed to get me worked up over nothing.
Well, so far I have only tended the test bike & that's where the girl ran into me. I came on as a casual for the holiday period and probably staying.
And don't slag off Dreamworld staff, you're not working there so cannot testify as to our intelligence.
Anyway... look. I'm not trying to start a witch hunt for anyone, just reported on what happened in good faith.
If you see this as a waste of time, then don't sign! I think this blog is a joke anyway. Another reason why the community is shit.
so you've worked the test bike? then you'd know about the release button... and the colour of its box. and what the label on it says?
everytime ive been to dreamworld ive been met by unmotivated/uninterested staff that come off to me as from the bottom of the intelligence barrel. don't say i have to work there to know. i'm talking about my experiences as a customer.
i like that you're a casual that came on for the holiday period yet you know the in's and out's of PR and how they responded to ash's phone calls. maybe your story is true... but dude, it's got more hole's in it than swiss cheese.
it's coming off like your making it up as you go along.
i never said it was a waste of time. i said i can't believe how such a pisspoor site and argument has got me so worked up. i'd say it is a waste of time though (haha are you arguing that it's not??)... but i quite enjoy coming here and adding more fuel to the arguments. i dont follow how this blog is a joke therefore the community is shit. LOL all this is is a bunch of people abusing each other. it is hardly representitive of the entire community.
this guy knows to much to just "run" into the guy i mean come on!!!!!!
and this guy prob is lieing about all the other stuff he said about ash...i wouldnt believe the thing about him calling the pr i mean who would shoot themself in the foot like that?
Well, considering he was standing out the very front of the ride, it's obviously a spot to have been when the girl wondered what was going on.
A 15-year-old pest would shoot himself in the foot like that. Remember Daniel Harmer (Spotty)? He was always very annoying, no doubt the parks would have hated him too. While he didn't ask for things of that nature, he apparently annoyed them all the time with questions.
If someone like that wants to completely replace all current Aussie theme parks, he's going to ask for stuff that they won't have like "vintage" photos etc.
I should point out that motoc.op doesn't particularly give a fuck about the coaster community but he just hates when people screw with other people's credibility.
"I should point out that motoc.op doesn't particularly give a fuck about the coaster community but he just hates when people screw with other people's credibility."
LOL well if he's so morally opposed to people screwing with other's credibility, then he'd do everything short of publicly revealing himself to provide us with the overwhelming evidence we need to ensure that he is who he say's he is.
goliath, you must admit, its very odd that every time so far there has been something motoc.op can't answer, you come along and tell us why he can't or won't answer those question's.
i have no doubt what so ever that ash has been bugging the hell out of dreamworld and movieworld PR. but i do very strongly doubt that a BRAND NEW casual employee at DW would know anything about what has and hasnt been said by PR.
it's a load of horse crap if you ask me.
I told him. That's how he knows.
And yeah, that's why he came back ... he realised that doing a runner wasn't doing wonders for his credibility.
It's kind of tricky because it would be easy for Dreamworld to work out who he is and I just hope they don't read this site. They're kind of cracking down on a few DW employees who were saying too much in certain online, though still somewhat obscure, social networks about what the park has in store.
Anyway, as you say, you don't know why you're getting so wound up about this and I know the feeling.
god this goliath is lieing though his teeth...
... and also, I'm a horse's ass ...
goliath ok then how do you know about what and who dreamworld's PR are laughing at? aren't you like a 16 year old kid too?
p.s. i couldn't see anyone from dreamworld ever reading a site like this. it's a site pretty much dedicated to ripping on other coaster sites and nothing else.
No. I'm older than that. Been at DW awhile.
Ok you're right about them probably not seeing this anyway. I'm still not going to give my age in case these entries end up on Google at some point.
I'm going and I'll be back when this site isn't so bloody serious. Thanks a lot Ben, you wanker.
LOL im a bit bored of it too.
anyone got anymore juicy stories on ash?
i hear he beheads kittens for fun.
So can someone post why spotty got banned from R-C?
Was arrested for housebreaking. His neighbour's a member of R-C and spoke to a few people about it. He also spread his faeces around a couple of the bedrooms including through the drawers of an autistic child. (:-O)
Ugh, what a feral.
I guess you could say he got shitty literally.
I guess you could say he was housebreaking, but being un-housebroken at the same time
hahahahahah! dats did dan know dan broke in??
Lol, Spotty was just redecorating, doing a nice Spotted design on the walls with faeces. Whats wrong with that?
That Ash is quite the dickhead though still, let's not forget about him. Fat fucking theme park nerd!
wat the hek? cant u ppls talk about anything else
bahahah! someone made a fake account for ash hahaha!!!!
lol btw any1 no who it was lol i wanna buy them a beer
It was AlexB
how do u no?
^Who's asking?
You dont want to know
u guys are dumb cunts
for a good time, call Ash
Newsflash... is dead by the looks of things, the page now just expires. It was never coming was never coming at all!
its been replaced by pulse3
So holidays are very enjoyable.
You oughta use relaxation Here especially at December summer!!
You know you want to.
IMO, you're all fucking stupid. Stop arguing over theme park websites and get a fucking life. Insolent children.
So holidays are very enjoyable.
You oughta use relaxation Here especially at December summer!!
You know you want to.
wft, dude? I dont even no what you are trying to say.
I'm a guy who likes guys. I'm gay and I don't care what people think.
I've just come out of the closet and told ALL my friends at school and it's the best feeling ever. Before that I just told real good friends but since their reaction was so good, I thought I would tell everyone. I just have to tell my parents now...
lol whats that got to do with anything?
so? who cares
Sex must be a pain in the ass.
pixelpushed is a little fuck face
apparently daniel is fucking back off to sydney. hoo fucking rah's richard is a dickhead.
wat did richard do now?
hey ash you piece of shit thanks for deleting some of my images off my camera? fucking cunt of a kid you are. lame fat fuck. i was going to give you some when they'd gone up on my site
wtf? how did he get ur camera? dude wat are u on
also...wat site
i went to movieworld with him
launching a theme park website soon. someone's threatened. and loves the cock. mmmhmm. it's true. lovvvvvves the cock.
someone's going to get a broken nose.
Ash, you need to humble yourself. Get some clippers and pass them over your head until nothing remains.
You then need to do 50 pushups a day and 50 situps plus join the Army cadets.
Or are you too good for that?...
Go on. I challenge you to man up and do that.
WTF! Weirdo!
I mean seriously... shave his head, exercise and do the military thing... what would that prove?? why don't you?
Already have. You maggot, you go do the same thing. SACK OF SHIT DO IT OORAH
oh god!
Pixel pushed is a fuckhead nerd dickhead little shitface turd.
cant you guys post about anything OTHER then just down right bagging people
Oh Christ... Ash just went completely off his head in the TPR chat because six topics were closed after he spammed with links to news stories on his site. What a fuckwit. He's been given a temporary ban.
do u know how long the ban is? who told u he was banned
LOL skatafly got told off by alexb
I'm a veteran of the forum. I was in the chat with Casey and a few other people.
Ash = owned.
i just did a forum search and he isnt banned...hes posted
As I said, a temporary ban. It was a warning to say 'hey, let up on the spamming, dickhead'. I believe he was PMed with words to that effect too...
no forum would ban someone for a few hours for spamming....and if he was spamming, wouldnt his sig be deleted too
It happens on SomethingAwful too.
Sig is kind of a different story but when you start going into multiple threads and saying stuff like 'check out my site for Australian park news', well, you're cruising for a suspension, really.
the kid's a joke. how old is he?
Why are there so many losers in the coaster community? It is trully amazing. Everytime I visit the roller-coaster forums I can't help but laugh at the utter retardness and lack of basic social skills these prepubescent kids have. I just want to know why did it get this way?
when u that right when he was blocked
They're a bunch of fucking twats.
the parkz site looks bad
speaking of weather i need a bit of help
Sun angles
Where does the sun rise and sun set in summer? How high does the sun get during the day and is it directly overhead?
Where does the sun rise and sun set in winter? How high does the sun get during the day and is it directly overhead?
What happens during autumn?
What happens during spring?
I'm a fucken retard.
Hey did anyone hear about joz spotting this thread?
Yeah i know, what a ledgend. We can start bashing Dreamnova again because its just so delayed.
Yeah i know, what a ledgend. We can start bashing Zencoaster again because its just so delayed.
It seems I keep getting credit for doing shit I haven't done... thats fine. So long as we can prolong the bullshit.
Joz - you forgot about Pulse3.... now in Gamma, new round of Omega invites coming soon.
and yes - in THAT very special way
Shit was that Ash?
Watch out Joz...
well i thought id be da first 2 tell u all iv decided 2 change ATPN. Were not going 2 b a theme park news website anymore. Ive decided 2 call it "Australian Tarred, Painted Nudists" or ATPN for short (it means I don't need to pay a lot of money to have the logo changed - I paid this kid in Year 12 $400 and a blowjob to do the last 1, so it sort of fits (or at leest thats wat da year 12 kid told me)
The site is going to be all about Nudism for the homosexual high schooler. Were going to feature homemade bondage and harnessing, and well do exclusive interviews with the CEO of dirt-dildos, manufacturers of a breakthrough new product to revolutionise the industry and made anal masturbation so much more comfortable for the homo loner.
I've tried them and I recon there grate. more to come soon.
Hey, has anyone seen dW_rulz's youtube channel, it has 92 videos of his bogan lifestyle in blury, shaky, camera phone footage for your viewing pleasure.
bahaha its piss funny how in his videos he always tucks in his T SHIRT and the pulls his shorts up to his fkun armpits. Oh, and he wears those hats with the thing on the back that you see little kids wearing in primary school.
This video captures the whole DW_Rulz spirit
and dont forget to check out the moustache and those teeth of his sister at 2min34sec
Hahahaha, whoever wrote that thing about Ash's new website plans is a genius.
Shave your fucking heads! OO-RAH!
^Shave your pubes...oh wait you are an 8 year old who has none.
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