Thursday, August 31, 2006

Enthusiast ‘immensely disappointed’ Over One Train Operation

When coaster enthusiast David Newson visited Dreamworld last week, he was ‘very disappointed’ in the park, for running just one train on their looping coaster, Cyclone.

“When you pay so much for admission to the park, I think it’s fair to assume they’ll be running more than one train,” commented the enthusiast. “It is quite disappointing, really.”

When Newson was informed by AAL that the coaster could only run one train, Newson appeared disconcerted.

“No, I’m pretty sure it can run two. What would you know? Sometimes it runs two trains, just not often,” said Newson. “I think I would know.”

Newson then educated AAL about the second train of Tower of Terror ‘that no-one knows about’. “They never use it due to power issues, but it exists. I know a lot about this kind of stuff; I’m on quite good terms with Dreamworld management,” told the 13 year-old enthusiast, whilst overtly picking his nose.

“See, I know more about coasters than you. I win,” added Newson.


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