Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Gone Fishin'

Deepest apologies (not really) about our delay in posting articles lately. Things might return to normal next week, if you’re lucky. If you are not lucky, however, things will not return to normal, and you will die a horrible death.

Thank you for your precious, precious time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Dreamnova going to be out-sourced to provide an excuse for the delay or are their already in house people for this sort of thing?

6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Dreamnova going to be out-sourced to provide an excuse for the delay or are their already in house people for this sort of thing?

6:38 AM  
Blogger AAL said...

We actually have our own team of excuse-makers, Sli..uhh...anonymous. However, they were trained at the Dreamnova Institute of Excuses (DNIE).

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought DNIE was coming out in Rev 2? (Rev sounds so much cooler then version. Its like the first three letters of version, then reversed. Word)

12:20 PM  

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