Monday, September 25, 2006

Zencoaster - Delays Expected

Yet-to-launch coaster website is expecting delays in the opening of the site, and is recruiting personnel from to help formulate plausible excuses to tell their members, say sources.

According to an anonymous Zencoaster staff member, the site is having major problems which will cause the website to be considerably delayed. “From the looks of it, the site won’t be launching for another year or two,” said the unidentified individual. “So we’ve recruited someone who worked on DreamNova to help us come up with excuses about the delays.

“We thought; if we’re going to be making up excuses, who better to help than someone from DreamNova. I mean, they’re the masters of excuses!”

The reason for the delay is said to be due to the sites’ problematic database. “Problem is, we don’t actually have any pictures,” said the nameless member of staff.


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