Sunday, November 26, 2006

Boomgen Strengthens Position In Market

Boomgen Entertainment today announced that they will be strengthening their position in the market with the purchase of, at a price of AUD$20,000,000 - further adding to their portfolio of unsuccessful entertainment sites including, LuWiigi, AussieParks and the upcoming Launchtrack. “This acquisition further strengthens Boomgen’s position in the Australian amusement site market with Australia’s number one theme park news satire site in the network,” said Jaeger Kindsell, Director of Boomgen Entertainment.

Chief Editor Grady Kindsell vows to keep Australians laughing with the latest theme park satire from around Australia: “AAL will further strengthen it’s position in the market to provide unparalleled coverage of the industry.”

Boomgen Chief President of International Operations John Kindsell also commented on the takeover: “AAL will further strengthen its position in this highly lucrative market. Did I mention we’re strengthening our position in the market? Because we are. Strengthening our position in the market, that is. Nothing like a bit of strengthening. Market strengthening.”

With the impending opening of the Gold Coast’s fifth major theme park and further expansion plans on the horizon for Warner Bros. Movie World and Sea World, AAL will be there to parody every aspect of the new developments.

For Media Enquires relating to the strengthening, please contact Reece Gumm at Boomgen Entertainment: Strength


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old news. And the standard of articles have been slipping. Don't think we would waste our time acquiring you

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^all of your websites suck.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? they do huh? huh huh? Oh yeah? What the fuck. I mean seriously, what the fuck. Adolf Hitler had the right idea, he just didnt carry it far enough, the slacker. We need a fucking Aryan race. Oh my god. Oh my god, you are a fucking lameass cracker. piece of shit! piece of fucking shit. piece of assramming corn up the butt shithole fucker. why dont you go and smash your face into a brickwall, it would provide us with much more laughs you self righteous funnyman wannabe. fucking white trash thats what you are.

what we do is far greater than what you will ever do you fucking sonofabitch

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article. But I think you forgot to mention that Boomgen is further strengthening its position in the market via these strategic acquisitions. I love the way it's a family affair.

PS All of the above posts would be much more entertaining if I could actually work out who was attacking who. I've lost track with all these anons

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

johnny! you fucking bashibadabingba!

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS. You cant even spell a fucking name right you assholes. I dont even know why i even got to this website. You really have to stop this, seriously maybe jaeger or grady or even reece might not want this crap written about them. Just because your lover is on her cough ben you take it out on everyone else.........i hope you have fun in you fucking dreamnova orge. Cya


5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

exactly! well said justin! Leave us alone , we give our time to do aussieparks and other excellent things and you're here trying to make out like you're up there with Jerry Seinfeld, The Chaser etc. seriously, get fucked!

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im With Justin, You guys should all get your act right and smarten up. Just have fun talking about theme parks and not bagging out other websites.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As co-owner and founder of these websites I think it's appropriate for me to have a few quick words.

I think that the level of this blog has dropped substantially and the influence on bagging out other sites in which are still in construction phase is not needed. This form of humor is going to dry out very quickly and I really stress that you should return to your old style with looking at industry news within the theme parks and not external.

All the people that have tried with their own websites uncluding Tony Teulan, Myself, Daniel Harmer etc.. do this for your enjoyment. Since when should you be complaining about an over-saturation of news and photos? They are all different prespectives and takes on the industry and each to their own I believe they are valuable assets to everyone involved.

Concering the post that is targeted specifically at my website/s I really think it's uncalled for. These webmasters try their hardest to give users the most professional prespective on the theme park arena, and these 'press release' style posts compliment this very well.

I really think everyone concerned needs to grow up, and be thankful for everyone that devotes time and effort to keep the news coming to you.

If anyone wants to bout it out with me, feel free.. email me and we shall take it further from there, but I really think this should be the end of the website sledging?

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ Nah, you just need more strength.

7:55 PM  
Blogger AAL said...

You cant even spell a fucking name right you assholes. You Sir, are an idiot.

we give our time to do aussieparks and other excellent things LMAO.

I think that the level of this blog has dropped substantially The level of the blog? Huh? Blogs have levels?

the influence on bagging out other sites in which are still in construction phase is not needed. What?

Since when should you be complaining about an over-saturation of news and photos? When did we complain about the over saturation of photos? Saturation can be toned down in Photoshop, no big deal.

They are all different prespectives Prespectives?

I believe they are valuable assets to everyone involved. Okkaaaaayy....

These webmasters try their hardest to give users the most professional prespective on the theme park arena, and these 'press release' style posts compliment this very well. That's the problem, Jaegar. You're all too worried about being 'professional'. Maybe if you all stopped trying to run your website as if it's News Corporation or something, you could get a lot more done. Oh, and in that context, the word is 'complement'.

I really think everyone concerned needs to grow up, and be thankful for everyone that devotes time and effort to keep the news coming to you. Agreed. Thanks for all your spelling-error free, accurate and on-time articles. Also thanks to Ozcoaster for the cool photo updates!

I really think this should be the end of the website sledging? Naaaahhhh, if you don't like it, don't come back.

9:02 PM  
Blogger AAL said...

Oh, by the way guys, the comments are appreciated, but it doesn't hurt to run your post through a spell checker or something. It makes them much easier to read, and gives what you're writing a sense of credibility.


9:05 PM  
Blogger Aidan said...

Yeh this blog is great, good on you AAL. The only descent Aussie themepark websites are, and of cource AAL, lol and its true all the other ones are tryhards who try their best but are still fucking shit at it.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm, that's right. Cos, you know, it's simply unacceptable that a website isnt rushed out the door to appease you when doing just that will attract criticism anyway.
Just be a bit fucking patient and understand that maybe those sites that take the time to get out the door will ultimately benefit from not being rushed & that yes, release dates might not always be made but life is life, stuff happens. As you say yourself, our sites aren't News Corporation.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would anyomne be patient they dont care about the websites.

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm, that's right. Cos, you know, it's simply unacceptable that a website isnt rushed out the door to appease you when doing just that will attract criticism anyway.
Just be a bit fucking patient and understand that maybe those sites that take the time to get out the door will ultimately benefit from not being rushed & that yes, release dates might not always be made but life is life, stuff happens. As you say yourself, our sites aren't News Corporation.

There is being patient and then there is being fucked over with bullshit promises that will never eventuate. People seriously have to stop taking this site so seriously, its a fucking parody site get over it!

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why instead of making promises, sutpid press releases, "strengthening your position in the market" and purchasing sites don't you just make a site and run it well? Neither R-C or Ozcoaster do the press release thing or worry about "Market Share" (By the way, WHAT market?) and bugger me, they are the good sites.

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't tell us what to do when you don't lift a finger to assist - a course of action which would be much more constructive.

Fine, feel free to fuck off to the other sites that don't "fuck you over". God. It's not as if there isn't a shortage of websites to look at in the meantime. We only have five fucking theme parks on the Coast to cover and a few interstate ones where not much happens anyway.

There's parody and then there is sticking the boot into people who are only doing you a service.

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ No, that's the problem... in most cases you're not doing anyone 'a service'. You're running websites for the sake of running websites. You're creating practically nothing but splash pages with forums attached so you can fulfill your 12 year old dreams of pretending to run some sort of internet 'company'. You are promising things you can't and don't deliver.

When you cut the bullshit and just deliver what people want to see then you will get respect. If you continue to do what you're doing then expect to be payed out for it

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We STILL provided stuff via the forums including the first up-close pics and video of the Tornado & then news tidbits, the odd construction photo and stuff.

Might I point out that we were still at pre-launch & I have been saving the good stuff for when the actual SITE not the forums were up - same with all the sections that were the stuff to genuinely be interested in the site for.

The forums were not meant to be a site replacement.

That is all.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. This is beyond a joke now. Tony has had other stuff to worry about but can now deliver - I know what it's like to be on multi-hire with Warner & it's full on.
Add to the fact he had those other issues and it would have been a slog.

Have seen some of the stuff that's being put together and it's solid.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't tell us what to do when you don't lift a finger to assist - a course of action which would be much more constructive.

Fine, feel free to fuck off to the other sites that don't "fuck you over". God. It's not as if there isn't a shortage of websites to look at in the meantime. We only have five fucking theme parks on the Coast to cover and a few interstate ones where not much happens anyway.

I did "lift a finger" and helped out a couple of sites some of most of which are actually running unlike some.

If you have so little to cover as you say then why does it take 15 years to open a site that is more than likely only going to focus on one park?

All this site does is have some fun so as you said if you don't like it fuck off.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fuck off. Just because I don't kiss your arse like most people here. I swear... fuck you. just because you're jealous of our library of sites.

3:16 PM  
Blogger AAL said...

LOL, don't flatter yourself Boomgen boy. Library of sites? You're an absolute joke. Boomgen has 18 members, and you think you're God's gift to the amusement industry. Grow a brain. Do you realise that by posting your childish comments here you're just embarrassing yourself and giving your 'compendium' of websites an even worse name? Seriously, get your act together. You probably spend more time reading and commenting our articles than you do improving your own websites.

If you want to be taken seriously (which might be hard considering you've made yourself and everyone involved with 'Boomgen' look like idiots from your comments here) you need to quit worrying about 'market share' and start focusing on content. There's a free piece of advice from your mates at AAL.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you. You ARE jealous of our library of sites, don't deny it and nice work on the comment moderation front, you're now a censoring piece of shit not wanting to take any criticism.

You want to go after us? Go after us. Do your worst mate we seriously arent going to pieces. Fucking do your worst.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont see why you need to have 3 friggin websites all covering the same thing, if they are all crap then what is the point, people would do better to just focus on one thing rather than trying to have the most URLs. (In case you didnt realize its bloody inconvenient going to seperate websites for news, photos etc) And what the hell is this "latest news" these sites supposedly deliver, it always comes out on other forums or on R-C first (Dont know how you can claim to be the number one news site, show some page hit figures to back it up!)
And anyway, 2 of your "websites" are splash screens so far.
Heres another tip, if its not a website yet we dont give a shit.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats the point of having 4 crap websites, isnt 1 crap website enough?

8:57 PM  
Blogger AAL said...

Sorry about the recent 'comment moderation' thing guys. That was a my mistake - shouldn't have been mucking around with also those settings. Anyway, all the comments that were made have been posted; and no, none have been edited or deleted. We'll leave that to the 'other' websites.

Everything's back to normal now. Flame away.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh just play hide and go fuck yourself.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you AAL.

2:34 PM  

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