Alien Abduction Shocks Zencoaster Users
GOLD COAST - - A press release was today issued by local police regarding the mysterious abduction of Zencoaster web-master Timothy O' Toole. Authorities said O' Toole was "captured by little green men” last Sunday night, and taken aboard a “huge silver spaceship,” where he was “unforgivingly probed”.
“The Zencoaster web-master, Timothy, has been recovering from this incident with us for the last few days,” said policeman Fey Kop, with a voice strikingly similar to O’ Toole’s. “This has meant his website, Zencoaster, will be taken offline temporarily, and unfortunately, all those photo updates will have to be cancelled too.”
When questioned on how O’ Toole’s abduction affects the status of the website, Kop paused for over two minutes, before simply hanging up the phone.
O’ Toole refused an interview with AAL, but promised the site would be back up soon.
“The Zencoaster web-master, Timothy, has been recovering from this incident with us for the last few days,” said policeman Fey Kop, with a voice strikingly similar to O’ Toole’s. “This has meant his website, Zencoaster, will be taken offline temporarily, and unfortunately, all those photo updates will have to be cancelled too.”
When questioned on how O’ Toole’s abduction affects the status of the website, Kop paused for over two minutes, before simply hanging up the phone.
O’ Toole refused an interview with AAL, but promised the site would be back up soon.
Brilliant, I love it. Whoever writes these articles is a legend and if you aren't already, you should be a nicely paid comedy writer. Or otherwise a journalist
This is O'Toole. I've returned to the mothership. It's kind of cool up here.
Due to the inbuilt portal technology and general manipulation of time-space, there are several anti-gravity coasters.
You can expect exclusive on-ride footage and photos when I'm back in a few thousand millennia.
- Tim
Tim seems to be in good spirits and, it would appear, returned to the ship of his own free will.
Meanwhile, AAL, here's a scoop: the webmaster of is under the influence of a powerful voodoo transvestite priestess by the name of Daniella Harmer.
Actually, ZenCoaster was hacked. That's why you can't access it. I don't think it's coming back either. :(
dude, it wasn't hacked.
trust me, I know.
what is the story?
trying to one-up dreamnova by taking the entire site down?
do tell... it'll liven things up.
^if this place gets any livelier a funeral's gonna break out.
...teh simpsons rox!!!111!!
No. I'm just adjusting the forum, installing some mods etc. Basic upgrade.
The simspons suck now! long live family guy! woohoo!
Oh please, I came in the forums, deleted you and all the other staff members, because you're an annoying stupid idiot.
danial harmer is bi-sexual and smells.
Tony is a Toolie.
Thats why Zencoaster is gone, he was too much of a cheap arse to pay for it.
It's not gone you stupid cuntfucker. Try fucking reading what he wrote. Oh wait, that's below your IQ.
rather than complain, you could pull your finger out of your own arse and maybe see
if there's anything you could do to help. or do something constructive yourself. if someone spends their free time on doing something, forgive some delays. life happens.
Yes it is gone. The main site itself is gone, and so are the forums. There is NO "upgrading". I was an admin there, and Tony pissed me off with all his lies, so using a simple flaw in MyBB, I banned and deleted him and all the other staff members.
There's nothing gone about the site at all. The redirection/splash page is just down because the forums themselves use their own address.
And, you know, we had to upgrade to MyBB 1.2 anyway so you really didn't do any damage at all. In fact, you just showed your capacity to be a total fucking asshole. At every stage, you had found something to bitch about. Everyone on the staff were thoroughly sick to death of your attitude. While yes, there were site delays because of things having come up, you were just being a whiny little schoolgirl.
Also, thanks for admitting what you did in a public and archival space. That's majorly stupid of you & great we have you on record.
Good day.
who is cx360? what is/was his username on ZC?
Oh god don't tell me Zencoaster isn't gone for good? I had such high hopes. Well I guess one positive is it will provide plenty more parody opportunities for this site. And what are these 'staff' you all talk of? I'm sorry but Zencoaster is not a real company or business so how can it have staff? Volunteers maybe. Stop pretending to run a company and actually deliver some of the promised content. Or otherwise close the site down permanently
LOL, you can't fucking read can you? The forums have been upgraded to the latest version of the software & I'm changing the structure, installing some mods, that type of thing. And 'staff' is an extremely common term for the people who work on a website.
I will deliver ALL of the promised content but you can stop bitching like a little kid and try patiently waiting. Or, here's a thought, offer to lend a hand. Put up or shut up.
Every webmaster who works on a website does so out of their time so shouldn't have to put up with abuse because unforeseen things come up. I'm not going to say this again, if you can't understand that, then, really, you're hopeless.
"LOL, you can't fucking read can you?"
Johnny wrote: "Oh god don't tell me Zencoaster isn't gone for good?"
You're the one who can't read. He was lamenting the fact that Zencoaster will return. Whether or not your claim of the 'forums being upgraded' is true or not is a whole new question. How long does it take to upgrade forums and why does the home (splash) page need to be taken down as well?
"I will deliver ALL of the promised content" - We'll hold you to that mate. Still waiting on that WhiteWater World update that you promised a few months ago on RC.
Other people took photos anyway, so you could still see the park's progress. Also, during that period, I had also been working full-time and the other situation with my friend took up the little time I had to spare. Now she has returned overseas to her home & family, I have opportunity to get stuff done.
I've actually had four auditions these past few days so haven't actually been home much except to sleep.
Just fine tuning a few more mods but even if that's not completed, Zen Coaster Connect will be back up tomorrow regardless.
Good, hold me to the promise because you won't be let down. I am sorry things have taken a backseat but that does not reflect my commitment & again, I did not set dates lightly.
Still don't understand why Mr Tool has to actually take down a splash page & forum + content to do upgrades. Very weird if you ask me.
I am an owner of a local website (owner not Webmaster, Webmaster sounds too nerdy) and I know for a fact, (even though I don't use MYBB, I have enough knowledge of it) that you DO NOT need to take a forum system down to do an upgrade, or additions of mods.
So I find the story Anonymous (the one above my post) has presented us with very unlikely.
I still don't understand this quote though: The redirection/splash page is just down because the forums themselves use their own address.
What in hell has that got to do with fried fish?
The splash page presented on Zencoaster was a Basic HTML page, it had no connection with the MYBB board system, and was located in the main directory of the Zencoaster servers.
Very Fishy if you ask me.
AAL said...
"LOL, you can't fucking read can you?"
Johnny wrote: "Oh god don't tell me Zencoaster isn't gone for good?"
I find that very funny as well.
The redirection/splash page is just down because the forums themselves use their own address.
^Exactly tbone. I mean, how the fuck does the forums having their own address affect the splash page? If anything, that would mean that the splash page would still be able to exist without the forums.
Oh we've just had server glitches that's all, it's stopped me accessing the MySQL records and the account in general. You'll find the splash page back now.
can someone pay for my plastic surgurey.
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