Sunday, November 05, 2006

Enthusiast “Isn’t That Funny In Real Life”

When coaster enthusiast George Oliver, 17, met up with fellow enthusiast Mike (known as ‘coasterseffingrock’ on forums), he was expecting it to be a hysterical affair. The two met on the forums of, and frequently chatted on popular instant messaging client ‘Yahoo Messenger’, where George noted Mike’s ability to make witty and sometimes random jokes.

“Mike was hilarious on the internet,” said Oliver, in an AAL exclusive interview. “He would always make jokes about Cyclone, and about the ineffectiveness of Tower of Terror’s themeing. Sometimes he even made random comments; for example, one time we were talking about George Bush’s influence on the crime rate in America, and Mike said ‘McNuggets’. How random is that?”

When the duo met in real life, however, it was apparent that Mike really isn’t that funny.

“When we started talking at Dreamworld, there were no Cyclone jokes, no Dreamworld themeing jokes, and no random comments,” alleged Oliver, whilst shaking his head in disbelief. “He really wasn’t that funny in real life - I should have seen it coming. It was too good to be true.”

Mike however, said he thought the meeting went well, and expressed plans to meet up with George in future. “We had a great time,” he said. “George is actually a lot funnier in real life than he is on the net.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone thinks they're terribly amusing.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's happened to all of us.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the public service Anonymous. It's always great when other community members pitch in and help everyone raise some free money.

That site is definitely worth a visit.

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(rich standing for RICH in money possession... not richard)

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey the first comment has my last name in it! *beams*
And it's with Roach... which could mean I get married to Ben. Awesome! Kinky!

8:54 PM  

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